
New studio

28th August 2024

I’ve finally have my new studio up and running and it is everything I’ve ever wanted. With a 4 ft x 8 ft board on one wall, it has adjacent shelves for stores and paints plus an area for rolled, archived canvases. The first image is a commission from my husband. A long thin painting of some unusual birds.

The thick-billed seedfinches are sweet and friendly black birds that live in the forest and often hide from our view. After many walks and exploratory hikes to find them, I came back disappointed. Then having started to paint the mother colour we noticed a birds’ nest being built right above our front door. Knowing that the birds would get constantly disturbed by noise, cars and visitors we had imagined that they would leave to find a quieter spot. But they stayed. We saw that the parent bird was a thick-billed seedfinch. An amazing act of grace that they had come to find us. The mother finch stayed sitting on the nest for weeks until we were sure that the eggs must have hatched or gone bad, until one morning my husband took a stepladder near the nest to investigate. Inside he told me there were some dead birds. Horrified I also took a look and saw that one of the birds on the top layer was breathing slowly. Later that day they sat up making wheezing noises and the next day four baby birds were sitting in a cute bunch in the nest being occasionally fed by their parent. Now growing and sitting on twigs close to the nest we see them becoming stronger each day.

Their call is a short, sweet keeoo. The thick bill is the same size as their head and they look cute. So the painting now has a nest in the branches of a tree and attentive seedfinches close by.

A work in progress…


21st November 2021

Out of the blue came the offer to apply one of my paintings to a Utility Box in Sidney, Vancouver Island. The selected painting is very large and has only been exhibited in Victoria once. However the image presented to the Municipality of Sidney showed the spirit of new growth, and is selected for display.

See below for the image and description.

Gillian Redwood

The creation of new growth is a miracle, life springing from the mysterious dark earth, reaching towards light and the sun’s warmth. From a seemingly dormant seed or bulb a dynamic change occurs. This painting is a dedication to the spirit of new growth. Out of the dark springs a strong green shoot, proud leaves. Soon delicate, smokey blue iris flowers will emerge. The grace of creation.

In this painting I explore God-given unseen energies, bringing them into focus with spirals of silver and gold.

Energy, Transparency & Movement

I explore the energetics of the universe in my paintings, and express some of these energies in line and colour. I work quickly and in short bursts, usually covering the whole canvas in one session, then layering colour to give depth and transparency. Every flow of energy changes the shape and density of an object, and I like to observe these flows.

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